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Step 6 - Terminate, Close Instances

Once we're finished using a TypeServer component we need to close it.  In this simple example we'll close everything when exiting:

    tsCServer  *myServer=NULL;    // pointer to TypeServer instance
    mgCBitmap  *myBitmap=NULL;    // pointer to Bitmap instance 
    tsCFont    *myTTFont=NULL;    // pointer to TrueType font instance 
    tsCStrike  *myStrike=NULL;    // pointer to Strike instance 
    FIXPOINT    fxPoint;          // fixed-point x,y-coordinate 
    // create a TypeServer, define a bitmap, open a font, create a strike 
    myStrike = new tsCServer();
    myBitmap = new mgCBitmap( 1024, 768, 8, NULL );
    myTTFont = new tsCFont( myServer, "arial.ttf", 0, 0 );
    myStrike = new tsCStrike( myTTFont, myBitmap );
    if ( (myServer==NULL) || (myBitmap==NULL) || (myTTFont==NULL) || (myStrike==NULL) ) 
        { /* handle error condition */ }
    // set text size and color 
    myStrike->SetTypeSize( IntToFix(12), tsPixels );
    myStrike->SetColorsRGB( RGB_Make(0,0,0), RGB_Make(255,255,255) );

    // draw "Hello World" starting at pixel location (80.0, 100.0) 
    fxPoint.x = IntToFix(80);
    fxPoint.y = IntToFix(100);
    myStrike->DrawString( &fxPoint, "Hello World" );
    // close strike, font, bitmap and TypeServer instances 
    delete myStrike;
    delete myTTFont;
    delete myBitmap;
    delete myServer;

As you can see TypeServer is quite easy to use.  But there's much more you can do.  For more information on TypeServer programming and use, please see the TypeServer Programming Reference Manual.

TypeServer objects


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