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Step 5 - Draw Some Text

Now that we have a Strike defined we're ready to draw some text:

    tsCServer  *myServer=NULL;    // pointer to TypeServer instance 
    mgCBitmap  *myBitmap=NULL;    // pointer to Bitmap instance     
    tsCFont    *myTTFont=NULL;    // pointer to TrueType Font instance 
    tsCStrike  *myStrike=NULL;    // pointer to Strike instance     
    FIXPOINT    fxPoint;          // fixed-point x,y-coordinate     
    // create a TypeServer, define a bitmap, open a font, create a strike 
    myServer = new tsCServer();
    myBitmap = new mgCBitmap( 1024, 768, 8, NULL );
    myTTFont = new tsCFont( myServer, "arial.ttf", 0, 0 );
    myStrike = new tsCStrike( myTTFont, myBitmap );
    if ( (myServer==NULL) || (myBitmap==NULL) || (myTTFont==NULL) || (myStrike==NULL) ) 
        { /* handle error condition */ }
    // set text size and color 
    myStrike->SetTypeSize( IntToFix(12), tsPixels );
    myStrike->SetColorsRGB( RGB_Make(0,0,0), RGB_Make(255,255,255) );

    // draw "Hello World" starting at pixel location (80.0, 100.0) 
    fxPoint.x = IntToFix(80);
    fxPoint.y = IntToFix(100);
    myStrike->DrawStringA( &fxPoint, "Hello World" );

To provide true WYSIWYG accuracy, TypeServer uses fixed-point coordinates based on quick integer math.  Fixed-point coordinates provides sub-pixel accuracy needed to minimize pixel rounding and cummulative positioning errors.

TypeServer includes a complete set of functions for drawing text, and computing character and string dimensions for size-specific CHAR, WCHAR, and generic TCHAR data types: 

tsCStrike:: ASCII
get character dimensions GetCharExtentA() GetCharExtentW() GetCharExtentT()
get string dimensions GetStringExtentA() GetStringExtentW() GetStringExtentT()
draw character DrawCharA() DrawCharW() DrawCharT()
draw string DrawStringA() DrawStringW() DrawStringT()

TypeServer Strike and Bitmap


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