Quality |
MetaWINDOW is widely known for its uncompromising attention to detail and pixel perfect drawing quality. Small, yet critical points, such as clipping retraceability and precise polygon edge meshing are details you don't have to worry about with MetaWINDOW. MetaWINDOW provides accurate and repeatable pixel placement for all drawing operations - no pixel shift variations when drawing clipped areas, and no misaligned pixel boundaries when drawing banded segments. Polygon edges are also drawn with precise exactness - with no pixel overlaps or gaps along common edges of adjacent objects. With MetaWINDOW, close doesn't count. MetaWINDOW's precision design stands up to the highest technical quality requirements. In addition to pixel perfect drawing, MetaWINDOW also provides an array of advanced quality features:
Clipping retraceability insures that clipped objects retrace exactly the same pixel sequences. | |
Edge meshing insures the edges of adjacent objects meet without pixel gaps or overlaps. | |
Thin-line end-caps eliminate end-point gaps when rubber-banding lines. | |
Polygon fill rules control if overlapping polygon areas are filled or left blank. | |
Objects can be filled either with either a single solid-color, dual-color or multi-color patterns. | |
Line dash styles control how dashed lines are drawn - 1-color or 2-color. | |
Wide lines can be drawn with either a square or round pen shape. | |
Round-pen wide lines maintain uniform thickness at all orientations. |
Experience That Counts
Metagraphics has been a pioneer in the PC graphics software industry
for more than ten years since its founding in 1983. Today Metagraphics
is a recognized leader in PC graphics with more commercial software
products shipped using MetaWINDOW, than with any other graphics
programming toolkit. MetaWINDOW technology has been licensed
by computer industry leaders including: Autodesk, Symantec/Peter
Norton, Compaq, The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., Hewlett Packard,
IBM, Britannica Software, Davidson Associates, Maxis,
National Instruments, Great Plains Software, Software
Toolworks, Polaroid, Siemens, Sony and many others.
These companies plus over a thousand more have shipped more than a million
copies of commercial applications using MetaWINDOW. Professional developers
demand the best - and have found it with MetaWINDOW!
© 1997-2001 Metagraphics Software Corporation. All rights reserved.