Metagraphics MetaWINDOW

Here's What People Say About MetaWINDOW!

“MetaWINDOW is written in hand optimized assembly code and is very fast.  It is virtually bug free, and the manufacturer has been very responsive to questions.  If you intend to do any graphics work at all, you must have this product.”  “A technological tour de force for fast PC graphics.”  “One high-powered piece of artillery.”  “Customer support is excellent.  I've called Metagraphics several times and have gotten prompt, accurate help each time.”  “If you do any graphics programming in C, try Metagraphics' MetaWINDOW - you'll like it!   PC Tech Journal
Jeff Duntemann, PC Techniques Magazine

“MetaWINDOW provides a complete solution for our cross platform graphic tools.  Our software works with multiple high-end platforms including Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Unix X-Windows and OS/2.  MetaWINDOW is the best graphics toolkit we've found.  It provides the speed, power and support we need.”
Kevin Greenwood, WNDX Corporation

“P.S.  Kudos to your (MetaWINDOW) library.  All of our new applications use it, and we have had no problems.  I credit you guys for a two week free trip to Spain I received last summer, but that's another story...”
David Russell, Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

“For serious developers who are ready for more than elementary graphics, MetaWINDOW offers an outstanding combination of power and performance.  Incredible speed coupled with support for practically every video card available puts MetaWINDOW way ahead of the pack.”
Dave Herman, Island Systems

“MetaWINDOW provides the graphics power of Macintosh, Windows and X-Windows all in one toolkit.  Drawing speed is easily five times faster than any other PC graphics environment, and it supports just about every graphics card available.  MetaWINDOW is our first choice for graphics tools.”
Tod Brannan, Oxford Consulting Group

“MetaWINDOW's speed and broad display support makes our applications shine!”
Marv Luse, Autumn Hill Software

“By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you how wonderful your development tools are.  I'm using MetaWINDOW version 5 and PCXLab.  Everything is bug free, well documented, easy to use with excellent example code, and incredibly fast.  What a joy!”
Gil Dodgen

“MetaWINDOW is a mature product with support for probably more graphics adaptors than anyone else on earth.”
William Gates, Midnight Engineering Magazine

“MetaWINDOW is truly an exceptional graphics library.  When used with .RT-Link you can build megabyte MetaWINDOW programs that run in standard 640K DOS.”
Byron Reese, PocketSoft

“Thank you very much for your prompt and kind help.  Metagraphics has not only a very good graphics package to sell, but also offers the worlds best support for this package, I'm sure.  Thanks again!”
Martin Held, HOLZMA Maschinenbau GmbH



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