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Metagraphics Software Corporation
- - - - Advanced Graphic Programming Tools For DOS and DOS Protected-Mode - - - -

MetaWINDOW continues to break new ground as the most advanced and powerful DOS graphics programming toolkit available. Now MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 offers enhanced new upgraded support, and even more expanded features and capabilities.

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MetaWINDOW v5.0
MetACCEL v5.0
More Information...

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MetaWINDOW v5.0 adds updated support for the latest real- and protected-mode compilers and DOS extenders (including required updates for new Watcom 10.5, Borland 4.5 and Phar Lap 7.0 changes).

Expanded 32-Bit Support
386...486...Pentium! In case you haven't noticed the world's gone 32-bit! MetaWINDOW v5.0 provides complete support for the latest 32-bit compilers and DPMI DOS extenders:

Borland C/C++ v4.5,v5.0 with Borland PowerPack v1.x DPMI32 DOS Extender

Metaware HighC/C++ with Phar Lap TNT v8.0

Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 with Phar Lap TNT v8.0

Watcom C/C++ v11.0 with Watcom 4GW-DOS Extender*

Watcom C/C++ v11.0 with Phar Lap TNT v8.0*

Borland C/C++ v5.0 with Phar Lap TNT v8.0*

* MetaWINDOW v5.0 update required.

Enhanced 16-Bit Support
Run from DOS or icon-launch from Windows! MetaWINDOW supplies DPMI compliant graphics for a full range of 16-bit protected mode environments.

16-Bit DPMI DOS-Extenders

Borland PowerPack v1.x DPMI16
Borland Pascal v7.0
Blinker 286 DPMI
Phar Lap 286, v3.0
Rational Systems 286

16-bit Compilers

Borland C/C++, v3.x-5.x
Borland Turbo C/C++, v3.x-5.x
Borland Pascal, v7.0
Microsoft C/C++, v8.0
Microsoft Visual C/C++, v1.x
Watcom C/C++, v10.0-11.0

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Major enhancements have been added to MetACCEL v5.0 expanding support for the latest S3 chipsets and over twenty new hardware-accelerated SuperVGA's. Hardware page-flipping has now also been added as a feature for accelerated modes. If you thought MetaWINDOW's regular SuperVGA support was fast, MetACCEL in combination with your graphics accelerator card will make your applications scream!

MetACCEL now provides direct support for over 50 hardware-accelerated graphic adaptors. Here's a partial list of the new hardware-accelerated cards added with MetACCEL v5.0:

Diamond, Stealth SE
Diamond, Stealth64 DRAM
Diamond, Stealth64 VRAM
Diamond, Stealth64 Video
Diamond, Stealth64 Video 3200
DEC, Venturis
Number Nine, 9FX Motion 771
Number Nine, 9FX Motion 531
Number Nine, 9FX Motion 330
Orchid, Fahrenheit 64
Orchid, Fahrenheit Pro64
Orchid, Fahrenheit ProVideo64
S3, Trio32
S3, Trio64
S3, Vision864
S3, Vision868
S3, Vision964
S3, Vision968
Spea, V7-Mercury
Spea, V7-Mercury Lite
Spea, V7-Mercury Pro
Spea, V7-Mercury P-64
Spea, V7-Mercury P-64V
Spea, V7-Mirage
Spea, V7-Mirage P-32
Spea, V7-Mirage P-64
Spea, V7-Mirage P-64V
STB, PowerGraph 64
STB, Velocity 64V
... plus IBM and Gateway are also using S3 supported graphics in several new Pentium-based PC product lines.

Accelerated 256-color resolutions: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024

adapters.htm also provides an expanded list of MetACCEL supported graphic cards and display modes.

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And there's even more new features and capabilities. For full information on MetaWINDOW v5.0 visit the MetaWINDOW home page at:

The following documents also provide additional information:

adapters.htm (48k)
Expanded list of MetaWINDOW supported graphic cards and display modes.

mw3rdpty.htm (5k)
List of MetaWINDOW compatible third-party products including add-on graphical user interfaces (GUI's), sound/audio libraries, and real-time operating systems.

metawindow.htm (19k)
Description of Metagraphics MetaWINDOW graphics development tools for DOS, plus 286 and 386 protected-mode. Includes list of functions and features, plus pricing and ordering details.

ordermwu.htm (13k)
MetaWINDOW v5.0 upgrade price list and order form (for existing customers).

ordermwp.htm (11k)
MetaWINDOW v5.0 product price list and order form (for new purchases).

files.htm (39k)
Directory of MetaWINDOW documents and files available for online access.

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PO Box 225, Woodinville, WA 98072 USA

Phone: 425-844-1110
Fax: 425-844-1112
