(667Kb, password encrypted)
Metagraphics FontBUILDER
Version 5.0A for operation under Microsoft
Windows 98, 95, 2000 and NT4. Please click
here for FontBUILDER information
along with new purchase or upgrade ordering details. If you have any
questions regarding FontBUILDER v5.0A please email
Customer Support (fb_50a).
(35Kb, password encrypted)
Metagraphics FontBUILDER
Version 5.0B maintenance update. For password access
please email your FontBUILDER v5.0A serial number to
(179Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B new MET_ME3L.LIB library update (free
update to current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 users).
This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B product serial number
when contacting Metagraphics
Customer Support for password access.
MET_ME3L.LIB is a new MetaWINDOW-32/386 COFF-format library
for use with Phar Lap ETS and Microsoft Win32.
A corresponding source code update is also available to developers
with registered MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 Source Code.
Metagraphics Customer Support (MTS_ME3L) for instructions to obtain
the associated "mts_me3l.zip" source code update (please be sure
to include your MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B Source Code serial number with your request).
(278Kb, 4/1/02, password encrypted) 
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B new MET_MR3L.LIB library update (free update to current
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B product serial number
when contacting Metagraphics
Customer Support (MET_MR3L) for password access.
MET_MR3L.LIB is a new MetaWINDOW-32/386 COFF-format library
for use with the following compilers and platforms:
Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0 and Microsoft Link v6.00
with OnTime Informatik RTTarget-32 and RTOS-32 v3 and v4 embedded operating systems.
Note - OnTime also distributes RTTarget32/RTOS32 system interface functions and C
example programs for MetaWINDOW
in an OnTime distribution file named "meta.exe" (an OnTime self installing exe).
A copy of the OnTime "meta.exe" file may also be downloaded
here in "rt-meta.zip" (87Kb).
A corresponding source code update is also available to developers
with registered MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 Source Code.
Metagraphics Support for instructions to obtain
the associated "mts_mr3l-rttarget32.zip" source code update (please be sure
to include your MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B Source Code serial number with your request).
(180Kb, password encrypted) 
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B new MET_MR3L.LIB library update (free update to current
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B product serial number
when contacting Metagraphics
Customer Support (MET_MR3L) for password access.
MET_MR3L.LIB is a new MetaWINDOW-32/386 COFF-format library
for use with the following compilers and platforms:
Watcom C/C++ with Watcom 4GW 32-bit protected mode.
A corresponding source code update is also available to developers
with registered MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 Source Code.
Metagraphics Customer Support (MTS_MR3L-Watcom32) for instructions to obtain
the associated "mts_mr3l-watcom32.zip" source code update (please be sure
to include your MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B Source Code serial number with your request).
mwupinfo.htm (10k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 upgrade information.
adapters.htm (48k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 supported graphic cards and display modes.
ordermwu.htm (13k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 upgrade price list and order form.
metarev.htm (6k)
MetaWINDOW revision history log.
(2.3Mb, password encrypted, disks 1 & 2)
(1.4Mb, password encrypted, disk 1 only)
(0.9Mb, password encrypted, disk 2 only)
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0A users). These files are password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0A product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (MW38650B) for password access.
(1.5Mb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-286 v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current
MetaWINDOW-286 v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-286 v5.0A product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (MW28650B) for password access.
(858Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-DOS v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current
MetaWINDOW-DOS v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-DOS v5.0A product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (MWDOS50B) for password access.
(304Kb, password encrypted)
MetACCEL v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current
MetACCEL v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetACCEL v5.0A product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (MACCL50B) for password access.
(404Kb, password encrypted)
MetHICOLOR v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current
MetHICOLOR v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetHICOLOR v5.0A product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (MHICO50B) for password access.
(512Kb, password encrypted)
PCX-Lab v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current
PCX-Lab v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted -
please include your current PCX-Lab v5.0A product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (PCXLB50B) for password access.
(281Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW met_xh3l.lib, example programs and instructions for running MetaWINDOW
with ISI pSos embedded real-time operating system.
This file is password encrypted -
please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 product serial number
when contacting
Metagraphics Customer Support (MW-PSOS) for password access.
Also see MetaWINDOW technical support FAQ mwfaq036.htm.
Patch utility and files for upgrading FontBUILDER v4.1 to v4.2.
Patch utility and files for upgrading FontWINDOW v4.0 to v4.1.