Metagraphics MetaWINDOW File Downloads

Demos and Example Files

This area contains MetaWINDOW demo, sample and programming files available for download. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.  Enjoy!


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Information and Demos (380k)
Metagraphics MetaWINDOW executable demonstration program. Showcases the latest release of the fastest and most powerful C/C++/Pascal graphics programming toolkit for DOS real-mode, 16-bit protected-mode and 32-bit protected-mode.

mwinfo.txt (19k)
Description of Metagraphics MetaWINDOW graphics development tools for DOS, plus 286 and 386 protected-mode. Includes list of functions and feature summary.

mwupinfo.htm (10k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5 update information.

adapters.htm (48k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5 supported graphic cards and display modes.

ordermwp.htm (11k)
MetaWINDOW v5.0 product price list and order form (for new purchases).

ordermwu.htm (13k)
MetaWINDOW v5.0 upgrade price list and order form (for existing customers).

trends5.htm (18k)
Latest Metagraphics MetaTRENDS developer newsletter. Feature articles:

  • MetaWINDOW V4.4
  • Borland Selects Metagraphics for New PowerPack Graphics
  • Look Who's Using MetaWINDOW
  • Animation Trends
  • MetACCEL - Graphics Power For Accelerated SuperVGA's (108k)
Executable demo of Metagraphics FontWINDOW product.

MetagraphicsCodingGuide.pdf (213k, Adobe Acrobat PDF file)
Metagraphics C/C++ Programming Guidelines.

Third Party

mw3rdpty.htm (5k)
List of vendors offering MetaWINDOW compatible third party products. Includes MetaWINDOW compatible graphical user interface (GUI) libraries, sound and audio libraries, real-time embedded operating systems (RT-OS), and more.

mwdvgd08.htm (17k)
Technical excerpt from MetaWINDOW Developer's Guide reference manual, Chapter 8 "Porting MetaWINDOW to Other Operating Environments" (such as for real-time, embedded or custom operating systems).

mwdvgd09.htm (7k)
Technical excerpt from MetaWINDOW Developer's Guide reference manual, Chapter 9 "MetaWINDOW Real-Time Re-Entrancy Considerations".

dealers.htm (2k)
List of MetaWINDOW dealers and distributors.

adapters.htm (2k)
Resource list of video graphic card vendors.

Miscellaneous (110k)
Kevin Gliner's benchmarks (3/94) of Fastgraph, Genus and MetaWINDOW.

benchrpt.txt (6k)
Metagraphics Benchmark Report (5/93) summarizing test results with MetaWINDOW, Essential Graphics, Flash Graphics, Genus GX, Halo, Microsoft CGI and Borland BGI. (196k)
Executable programs for Metagraphics Benchmark Report (above). (25k)
Source code to programs for Metagraphics Benchmark Report (above).

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bcpwrpak.txt (1k)
List of potential problem areas to be aware of when working with Borland PowerPack DPMI32.

bcstkbug.c (2k)
Workaround for Borland C++ v4.0/4.01/4.5 DPMI32 stack grow bug.

bcppbmap.txt (3k)
Borland PowerPack DPMI32 technical note on how to access memory bitmaps.

gclbgi.bat (1k)
Graphics compile and link batch file for compiling BGI programs and MetBGI256 samples. (1k)
Full C++ source code to MetaWINDOW BGI emulation interface.

../fonts/ (11k)
Full set of MetaWINDOW compatible BGI fonts (both stroked and bitmap).

../fonts/ (21k)
Utility for converting Borland BGI bitmap fonts for use with MetaWINDOW and BGI32.

../fonts/ (34k)
C++ source code to BGI2META font conversion utility (above). (Here's how to build your own font converter for translating to MetaWINDOW font file formats.)

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Animation (23k)
C/C++ example for displaying multi-color icons with transparency.

mw2page.c (4k)
Example showing how to perform video page flipping.

apcursor.c (12k)
AnimPoly sample program showing how to perform video page flipping with cursor tracking.

sprites.cpp (7k)
C++ sprite animation example (requires (23k, above) to recompile).

Mouse | Keyboard | Event Processing | Cursor Tracking
crossmos.c (5k)
Shows how to perform full screen cross-hair cursor tracking a using custom mouse tracking routine. (4k)
Shows how to initialize a custom keyboard event handler. (5k)
Phar Lap|286 - Fixes keyboard hangup when running under Windows enhanced.

joyevent.c (6k)
Shows how to generate events from the joystick.

mouse.c (2k)
Shows how to use manual MoveCursor() operations in combination with auto cursor tracking. (21k)
Simple mouse test program.

PCX | BMP (131k)
Sample C source code for reading and writing BMP image files. (359k)
MetaWINDOW PCX/TIF/BMP/WPG graphics image file converter and viewer. The MetaWINDOW image file decoders used in this program were adapted from the code provided by Marv Luse in his book Bitmapped Graphics Programming in C++ (Addison Wesley publisher, ISBN 0-201-63209-8). Full C++ source code to the MetaWINDOW versions of the TIF, BMP and WPG decoders is included . (6k)
Sample C source code for reading and writing PCX image files. (8k)
PCX file format specification from ZSoft.

pcxremap.c (9k)
PCX sample that remaps the reserved colors in the bitmap.

alignimg.c (3k)
Aligns monochrome or 256-color images to imAlign=0.

aspect.c (3k)
Here's how to get OvalPt() to work with CGA640x200.

bmapbits.c (5k)
Shows how to directly address the pixel data bytes in a MetaWINDOW bitmap.

cid.c (1k)
Checks for the presence of a Cirrus Logic 54xx chipset (good for preventing misidentification of Cirrus cards as Tridents).

colors.txt (9k)
Explanation of color palettes and 32k/64k-color modes. (4k)
Shows how to initialize a custom bitmap. (5k)
Application note for using fonts and FontWINDOW to define cursors, patterns and images.

grafsped.c (9k)
Disk bitmap swap-buffer performance sizing tool.

grey.c (5k)
Shows how to enable 256-level grey scale (sample for 16M-color ATI boards).

metfind.c (15k)
Modified version of FindBestDisplay() that prefers VESA modes.

multires.c (5k)
Shows how to switch back and forth between two display resolutions on the same monitor. (38k)
C source code to MetaWINDOW executable demo program contained in (380k). This source code also requires (following) to recompile. (45k)
C source code to Metagraphics sample graphical user interface used in the MetaWINDOW executable demo.

pointsz.c (5k)
Shows how to specify TextSize() in terms of "point size" at any resolution. (7k)
Documents changes when upgrading older MetaWINDOW version 3 programs to MetaWINDOW version 4.

vesafix.c (2k)
Shows how to enable MetaWINDOW to perform page flipping even if the VESA driver "function 01" reports only one page available (good for early ATI VESA drivers which misreported the number of video pages).

watch.cpp (11k)
Make an object oriented watch appear on the screen - cute. (90k)
Specifications and information on Metagraphics XEGIA eXtErnal Graphics Interface Architecture for protected-mode video initialization. This product was discontinued in 1991 - information in this file is unsupported and provided "as is".

zoomrect.c (3k)
Alternative for MetaWINDOW ZoomBlit() function. Better looking shrinking, though slower magnification.

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FONTS (49k)
Utility for converting Unix BDF format bitmap fonts for use with MetaWINDOW. (11k)
Full set of MetaWINDOW compatible BGI fonts (both stroked and bitmap). (21k)
Utility for converting Borland BGI bitmap fonts for use with MetaWINDOW and BGI32. (34k)
C++ source code to BGI2META font conversion utility (above). (Here's how to build a font converter for converting to MetaWINDOW font file formats.) (9k)
Nice Helvetica-like fonts for various resolutions. Thanks to Craig Anderson. (9k)
Utility to check bitmap fonts for compilance with MetaWINDOW v4 font file format. (32k)
Fonts from the MetaWINDOW demo program.

dyna08.fnt (3k)
MS Windows Arial style font. (191k)
Interactive graphical font editor for MetaWINDOW stroked fonts. Shareware from Action Information Management Ltd. (11k)
Adds lowercase cedille and raises the degree symbol for MetaWINDOW EXTSYSxx.FNT fonts.

flib.txt (22k)
Full list of fonts that come with FontWINDOW v4.1. (32k)
Copy of all font files currently shipping with MetaWINDOW. (34k)
Utility to convert MetaWINDOW .FNT files into .ASM files. (7k)
Utility to convert MetaWINDOW .FNT files into .H include files. (108k)
Executable demo of Metagraphics FontWINDOW product.

fnt-specs.htm (38k)
MetaWINDOW .fnt font file specification (now includes stroked font info!). (311k)
Japanese BDF Kanji fonts (over 8000 characters!), BDF2META conversion utility, and sample KANJISUB.FNT font file. Expect some size problems. Approach with a Zen attitude. (Customer contributed)

kanji2.txt (1k)
Notes about Kanji dictionary.exe and additional Kanji fonts provided in (Customer contributed) (5,104k)
Dictionary program of Kanji translations, JIS encodings, plus Kanji fonts of various sizes. (Customer contributed)

lines.fnt (6k)
Full IBM character set font.

mwfont.c (6k, 29-Apr-96)
Updated sample program showing how to allocate and load MetaWINDOW fonts. (11k)
Norwegian language versions of MetaWINDOW EXTSYSnn.FNT fonts, including slashed O's. (28k)
Utility to convert Mac Adobe Type 1 fonts for use on the PC. Great for use with Metagraphics FontBUILDER. (83k)
Additional MetaWINDOW stroked fonts, plus full assembly source code for manually modifying the stroked fonts.

swidth16.c (1k)
Good sample program showing how to access the MetaWINDOW font offset/width table directly.

MetaWINDOW-v3_Font-File-Structure_Font-Format-v2-0(1988).pdf (360k)
1988 MetaWINDOW v3 font file structure "GRFONTS.H" C header listing (MetaWINDOW font format v2.0?).

../updates/ (217k)
Patch utility and patch files for upgrading FontBUILDER v4.1 to v4.2.

../updates/ (110k)
Patch utility and patch files for upgrading FontWINDOW v4.0 to v4.1.

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../examples/ (45k)
C source code to Metagraphics GUI used in the MetaWINDOW executable demo program contained in ../info/ (380k). (385k)
Demo and information on Autumn Hill's Menuet C++ cross platform GUI for use with MetaWINDOW.

mncppfaq.txt (15k)
Menuet/C++ frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers. (766k)
Menuet/C++ reference manuals including Programmers Guide, LabView Guide, Tools Reference, View Extensions Guide (GIF, TIFF, PCX, BMP, etc), Pen Extensions Guide, and other related documentation. (275k)
Demo and information on Autumn Hill's Menuet C GUI for use with MetaWINDOW. Include IDT and MDT interactive screen layout utilities. Contact Autumn Hill Software, 1145 Ithaca Drive, Boulder, CO 80303, Phone: 303-494-8865, Fax: 303-494-7802. (33k)
MetaWINDOW v4 interface for use with Zinc version 3.6. (341k)
Demo and information on Magma System's Mewel GUI for use with MetaWINDOW. Mewel lets you to port your Windows application to MetaWINDOW and DOS. (468k)
Demo and information on Oxford Consulting's T-Windows GUI for use with MetaWINDOW. (305k)
Demo of TWS 4.0 GUI library for use with MetaWINDOW. Simple 'fatbits'-style editor for TWS icons. Includes source. (508k)
Demo of TWS 4.0 GUI library for use with MetaWINDOW. Simple PCX image viewer. Includes source. (325k)
TWS shareware GUI library for use with MetaWINDOW. Multi-window, event-driven, background tasks, lots of 'gadgets', source code available.

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UPDATES (667Kb, password encrypted)
Metagraphics FontBUILDER Version 5.0A for operation under Microsoft Windows 98, 95, 2000 and NT4.  Please click here for FontBUILDER information along with new purchase or upgrade ordering details.  If you have any questions regarding FontBUILDER v5.0A please email Metagraphics Customer Support (fb_50a). (35Kb, password encrypted)
Metagraphics FontBUILDER Version 5.0B maintenance update.  For password access please email your FontBUILDER v5.0A serial number to (179Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B new MET_ME3L.LIB library update (free update to current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 users).  This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support for password access.  MET_ME3L.LIB is a new MetaWINDOW-32/386 COFF-format library for use with Phar Lap ETS and Microsoft Win32.

A corresponding source code update is also available to developers with registered MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 Source Code.  Email Metagraphics Customer Support (MTS_ME3L) for instructions to obtain the associated "" source code update (please be sure to include your MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B Source Code serial number with your request). (278Kb, 4/1/02, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B new MET_MR3L.LIB library update (free update to current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MET_MR3L) for password access. MET_MR3L.LIB is a new MetaWINDOW-32/386 COFF-format library for use with the following compilers and platforms:

  1. Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0 and Microsoft Link v6.00 with OnTime Informatik RTTarget-32 and RTOS-32 v3 and v4 embedded operating systems.  Note - OnTime also distributes RTTarget32/RTOS32 system interface functions and C example programs for MetaWINDOW in an OnTime distribution file named "meta.exe" (an OnTime self installing exe).  A copy of the OnTime "meta.exe" file may also be downloaded here in "" (87Kb).

A corresponding source code update is also available to developers with registered MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 Source Code.  Email Metagraphics Support for instructions to obtain the associated "" source code update (please be sure to include your MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B Source Code serial number with your request). (180Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B new MET_MR3L.LIB library update (free update to current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MET_MR3L) for password access. MET_MR3L.LIB is a new MetaWINDOW-32/386 COFF-format library for use with the following compilers and platforms:

  1. Watcom C/C++ with Watcom 4GW 32-bit protected mode.

A corresponding source code update is also available to developers with registered MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0 Source Code.  Email Metagraphics Customer Support (MTS_MR3L-Watcom32) for instructions to obtain the associated "" source code update (please be sure to include your MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B Source Code serial number with your request).

mwupinfo.htm (10k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 upgrade information.

adapters.htm (48k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 supported graphic cards and display modes.

ordermwu.htm (13k)
MetaWINDOW Version 5.0 upgrade price list and order form.

metarev.htm (6k)
MetaWINDOW revision history log. (2.3Mb, password encrypted, disks 1 & 2) (1.4Mb, password encrypted, disk 1 only) (0.9Mb, password encrypted, disk 2 only)
MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0A users). These files are password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 v5.0A product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MW38650B) for password access. (1.5Mb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-286 v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current MetaWINDOW-286 v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-286 v5.0A product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MW28650B) for password access. (858Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW-DOS v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current MetaWINDOW-DOS v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-DOS v5.0A product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MWDOS50B) for password access. (304Kb, password encrypted)
MetACCEL v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current MetACCEL v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetACCEL v5.0A product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MACCL50B) for password access. (404Kb, password encrypted)
MetHICOLOR v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current MetHICOLOR v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetHICOLOR v5.0A product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MHICO50B) for password access. (512Kb, password encrypted)
PCX-Lab v5.0B maintenance update (free update to current PCX-Lab v5.0A users). This file is password encrypted - please include your current PCX-Lab v5.0A product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (PCXLB50B) for password access. (281Kb, password encrypted)
MetaWINDOW met_xh3l.lib, example programs and instructions for running MetaWINDOW with ISI pSos embedded real-time operating system.  This file is password encrypted - please include your current MetaWINDOW-32/386 product serial number when contacting Metagraphics Customer Support (MW-PSOS) for password access.  Also see MetaWINDOW technical support FAQ mwfaq036.htm. (217k)
Patch utility and files for upgrading FontBUILDER v4.1 to v4.2. (110k)
Patch utility and files for upgrading FontWINDOW v4.0 to v4.1.

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VESA (501k)
Collection of all of the following chipset, card and universal VESA drivers (except in one easy to download .zip file! (vbetest.exe, and uvbe653.exe are bigger files, download them separately if you need them.) (16k)
ATI - Mach 64 VESA drivers v1.01. (19k)
ATI - Mach 32 VESA drivers v2.22. (30k)
CHIPS & TECHNOLOGY - 451, 452, 453 VESA driver. (10k)
CIRRUS LOGIC - Utility to ID the installed chipset.. (20k)
CIRRUS LOGIC - GD542x VESA driver. (3k)
CIRRUS LOGIC - GD642x VESA driver (used in TI laptops). (24k)
COMPAQ - QVision VESA driver. (5k)
COMPAQ QVision 2000 / MATROX MGA VESA driver. (13k)
DIAMOND MULTIMEDIA - Speedstar VESA driver (Tseng 4000). (Enter: "VMODE /VESA" to start.)

vprmod.exe (42k)
DIAMOND MULTIMEDIA - Viper VESA driver, v2.04. (46k)
DIAMOND MULTIMEDIA - Viper VESA driver, v2.05-beta. (28k)
IBM - XGA/XGA2 VESA drivers. (3k)
OAK TECHNOLOGY - VESA driver. (5k)
MATROX MGA / COMPAQ - QVision 2000 VESA driver. (4k)
WESTERN DIGITAL - VESA drivers. (21k)
UNIVERSAL - "Universal" VESA driver v3.1, freeware.

vesatest.exe (10Kb), (6Kb)
v2.0 - Lists VESA modes supported by your graphics card. (391Kb)
UNIVERSAL - "Universal" VESA driver Univbe v5.0, shareware.

uvbe653.exe (1.0M, self-extracting)
UNIVERSAL - "Universal" VESA driver Univbe v6.53, shareware.

vbetest.exe (193Kb), (113Kb)
Tests VESA modes supported by your graphics card, v6.53.

vesainfo.exe (15k)
Queries VESA BIOS and returns ModeInfoBlock information (handy for determining the base video memory address for linear frame buffer modes).

vbe3.pdf (272k)
"VESA BIOS Extension (VBE) Core Functions Standard Version 3", Adobe Acrobat document.

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