Metagraphics .fnt Font File Specification
(The following information is excerpted from the
Metagraphics FontWINDOW Reference Manual)
This chapter provides detailed technical information on the MetaWINDOW
font file data structures, plus descriptions on how MetaWINDOW
internally operates with bitmap fonts. This information
is principally of interest to MetaWINDOW application developers. If
you are using FontWINDOW simply to edit or create new fonts, you may
wish to skip this chapter or skim it for general interest.
The following sections describe the MetaWINDOW font file data structure
and its key elements.
The MetaWINDOW font file data structure has been designed such that
new features and data elements may be added to font files when required.
This font file structure provides an upward compatible
path insuring that existing fonts work consistently with newer versions
of MetaWINDOW based applications. (Fonts created with newer
file formats and extensions are not guaranteed to be downward compatible
with applications linked with older MetaWINDOW versions, however.)
Two font file formats have been defined for use with MetaWINDOW. Font
format 2.0 was used with MetaWINDOW Versions 2.0 through 3.3. Font
format 2.1 was provided in MetaWINDOW Versions 3.4 and later. Fonts
created with file format 2.0 can be used with applications linked
to any MetaWINDOW library Version 2.0 or later. File format 2.1 contains
a number of major new enhancements, but will only work with applications
linked to MetaWINDOW Version 3.4 or later.
If you are using MetaWINDOW Version 3.3 or earlier, you must use font
file format 2.0. If you are using MetaWINDOW Version 3.4 or later,
you can use either font file format 2.0 or 2.1, but you should use
font format 2.1 in order to take advantage of the enhanced functionality
provided with this new file format. This chapter only discusses font
format 2.1, which is a superset of the earlier font format 2.0.
A MetaWINDOW font file is comprised of the following structures:
- A font header data structure.
- GrafMap and rowTable data strucutures.
- A location table data array.
- An offset/width table data array
- A pixImage data array.
- A kerning pairs data array (optional).
The first element of any MetaWINDOW font file is the font header
record. The font header describes the global parameters for the font
file, and also contains the offsets from the start of the file to
the other key data elements in the font. (When a font is
loaded into memory these offsets are added to the font's base address
to define the location of the other structures in the font.) A detailed
description of the font header record is provided in Section 11.3.1,
pg 53.
A MetaWINDOW grafMap data structure (also sometimes referred
to as bitmap data record) describes hardware information
related to the font. The grafMap data record is defined
with the following information:
typedef struct _grafMap /* "grafMap" Data Structure */
short devClass; /* Device class */
short devType; /* Device type */
devProc far *devProcs; /* Ptr to device procedure list */
short pixBytes; /* Bytes per scan line */
word pixWidth; /* Pixels horizontal */
word pixHeight; /* Pixels vertical */
short pixResX; /* Pixels per inch horizontally */
short pixResY; /* Pixels per inch vertically */
short pixBits; /* Color bits per pixel */
short pixPlanes; /* Color planes per pixel */
short mapFlags; /* grafMap flags */
rowMap far *mapTable[32]; /* Pointers to rowTable(s) */
short mapActive; /* Active logical page */
short mapPages; /* Number of mapList entries */
short mapList[4]; /* List of logical pages loaded */
short far *mapIO; /* Pointer to I/O port list */
short mapRsvd[4]; /* (reserved for internal use) */
long mapSegment; /* Map segment */
long mapHandle; /* Map handle */
short (far *mapManager)();/* Pointer to paging manager */
short mapResvd[36]; /* (reserved for internal use) */
} grafMap; |
The grafMap data record also references a table of pointers to hold
the addresses of each raster line of the font's pixel image data.
This table is another element of the font file and is called the rowTable.
The entries in the rowtable are filled in by MetaWINDOW
when the font file is read into memory and initialized. The values
that are actually contained in the file are not used and may be anything,
as only the space they take up in the file is required.
The location table is a table of 16-bit unsigned integer values
which define the starting X pixel position for each character in the
font's pixel image data record. The ending X pixel position is computed
simply as one less than the starting pixel position for the next character.
The location table contains n + 1 entries (the last character
in the font also needs a terminating location value). If a character
is missing (there is no pixel image data corresponding
to the location table entry), the location table entry is set to the
starting position for the next non missing character in sequence.
Any given character n in the font will have an image width
of (location table[n+1] - location table[n]) pixels.
Remember that the character's image width is not the same as the character
width actually used for determining character spacing (see Offset/Width
Table, following). The image width simply defines the width
of the character's pixel image which may or may not include any inter-character
spacing (MetaWINDOW can separately apply inter-character spacing
without taking up any room in the font's pixel image buffer.)
The offset/width table is a table containing pairs of values
defining proportional width and positioning information for each
character in the font. The first entry for a character specifies its
proportional character width. When drawing proportional characters,
the character width specifies the spacing from the current
pen position to the next pen position for starting the next character.
The second value in each offset/width table entry is a signed image
offset value. The image offset can be used to adjust
the placement of the character pixel image either right or left relative
to the starting pen position. With an offset value of zero
(0), the left edge of the character's cell image is aligned on the
starting pen position. A plus or minus offset value shifts the left
edge of the character's cell image either to the right or left of
the pen position, respectively.
The offset/width entries are also used to identify missing
characters. If a particular character is undefined, the offset/width
values for its entry are set to all bits ON (0xFFFF). When attempting
to display a character with an offset/width table entry of undefined,
MetaWINDOW reverts to using the font's missing character (as
defined in the font header record) in its place.
The pixImage is the actual pixel data of all the characters
in the font. The format of the pixImage is a standard MetaWINDOW local
memory bitmap which, once initialized, may be drawn into
and read from just like a graphics screen. The pixImage data can be
thought of as a very short and very wide graphics screen containing
a single text line of images for each character in the font stored
horizontally one next to the other.
As with any screen image memory, horizontal lines of pixels or rasters
are stored in contiguous memory. This means that pixImage starts with
the top horizontal row of the first character in the font (upper left),
and is followed by the next character's top horizontal row, etc. The
second horizontal raster line for the first character starts following
the end of the top horizontal row for the last character in the font
(see Figure 14).
Except for the font header and pixImage data buffers, the other various
font structures may appear in the font file in any order. The offset
values in the font header record defines the starting location for
each of these structures in the font. The font header record must
always be the first structure in the font, and the pixImage data buffer
must always be the last.
The following section describes the contents and use
of the various font header record fields:
The following is a C type definition for the font header.
typedef struct _ofswid /* Offset/Width Table Entry */
unsigned char wid; /* character width */
signed char ofs; /* character offset */
} ofswid;
typedef struct _fontRcd /* MetaWINDOW FONT HEADER RECORD */
Byte fontVer; /* Font format version number(=2) */
Byte fontRev; /* Font style revision designation */
Byte fontNameLen; /* Font baseName length (0-15) */
char fontBaseName[16]; /* Font Base Name */
char fontSuffix1[10]; /* Font suffix 1 */
char fontSuffix2[10]; /* Font suffix 2 */
char fontSuffix3[10]; /* Font suffix 3 */
char fontFacing; /* Synthesized font facing flags */
char fontSign[8]; /* 'METAFONT' signature */
Byte fontWeight; /* Font weight */
Byte fontCoding; /* Character set encoding */
long fontSize; /* Buffer size needed to hold font */
word fontMax; /* Maximum character code */
word fontMin; /* Minimum character code */
short fontPtSize; /* Point Size */
short fontfamily; /* Font family */
short fontStyle; /* Device style */
short fontFlags; /* Font flags */
long fontColor[2]; /* Font Character & bkground colors */
Byte minChar; /* Minimum ASCII character code */
Byte maxChar; /* Maximum ASCII character code */
short chWidth; /* Fixed space character width */
short chHeight; /* Character height */
short chKern; /* Fixed space character offset */
short ascent; /* Ascent */
short descent; /* Descent */
short lnSpace; /* Line spacing */
word chBad; /* Char to show for undefined codes */
short chCenter[2]; /* Icon or Marker center (X,Y) */
short chAngle; /* Italicize slant angle */
short chUnder; /* recommended txUnder setting */
short chScore; /* recommended txScore setting */
long locTbl; /* offset to locTable */
long ofwdTbl; /* offset to ofwdTable */
long kernTbl; /* offset to kernTable */
long sizeTbl; /* offset to size/rotation tbl(strk) */
long grafMapTbl; /* offset to grafMap data record */
long rowTbl; /* offset to grafMap rowTable(s) */
long fontTbl; /* offset to font bitImage/nodes tbl */
long fontNotice; /* offset to trademk/cpyright notice */
long fontSupplier; /* offset to name of font supplier */
long fontAuthor; /* offset to name of font author */
long fontInfo; /* offset to miscellaneous font info */
long fontDate; /* offset to font creation date */
fixed fontSpacing; /* spacing between baselines */
fixed fontLowHgt; /* baseline to top of lowercase 'x' */
fixed fontCapHgt; /* baseline to top of capital 'H' */
fixed fontAscent; /* baseline to top of lowercase 'd' */
fixed fontDescent; /* baseline to bottom of lowercase 'p'*/
fixed fontMaxWid; /* maximum character width */
fixed fontAvgWid; /* average character width */
fixed fontEmWid; /* Em space width */
short fontRsvd; /* (reserved for future use) */
long offwidTbl[16]; /* offset to facing off/wid tables */
/* short fontData[]; */ /* font data/image tables (variable) */
} fontRcd; |
fontVer is the MetaWINDOW font file format version number. The
font version designation is divided into two parts, the
minor revision and the major revision as follows:
bit: 7654 3210
---- xxxx Major Revision
xxxx ---- Minor Revision |
The font format version number described in this document is Version
2.1 which would be indicated in fontVer as 12 hex (0x12).
fontRev is the revision designation set by the font designer
for this particular font. The revision should be updated to reflect
font revisions and edits.
fontNameLen is the length (0-15) of the fontBaseName string
which follows.
fontBaseName is an ASCII string for the basic family name of
the font. The fontBaseName may have a maximum size of 15
characters and should be terminated by a null character.
fontSuffix1 is an ASCII string which may indicate the weight
of the font such as light, dark, demi, or bold. fontSuffix1 may have
a maximum size of 9 characters and should be null terminated.
fontSuffix2 is an ASCII string which may indicate the posture
of the font such as italic or oblique. fontSuffix2 may
have a maximum size of 9 characters and should be null
fontSuffix3 is an ASCII string which indicates the character
spacing or tightness
of the font such as condensed, extended, or addset. fontSuffix3 may
have a maximum size of 9 characters and should be null terminated.
fontFacing> defines what types of synthesized font facings may
be created by MetaWINDOW. In certain cases separate
fonts may be created to more accurately represent different font faces
rather than to use MetaWINDOW's built-in synthesized font facing features.
For these cases, particular synthesized faces may be disabled and
not performed by MetaWINDOW.
The fontFacing field is defined as follows:
bit: 7654 3210 Enable(0)/disable(1) Font Facing
---- ---x synthesized Bold face
---- --x- synthesized Italic face
---- -x-- synthesized Condensed face
---- x--- synthesized Extended face
---x ---- synthesized Underline
--x- ---- synthesized Strikeout |
For example, if a separate font has been created to more closely represent
TimesRoman-Italic, the fontFacing
flags for the font may be set to 0E hex to allow only synthesized
bold, underline and strikeout facings with italic,
condensed and extended synthesis disabled.
fontSign is the Metagraphics signature for a MetaWINDOW font.
This field is set equal to the eight ASCII characters METAFONT
and may be tested to verify the identity of a Metagraphics font. The
METAFONT signature is also used to identify byte order sequence
for fonts ported from other systems.
fontSize is the size of the memory font buffer (in bytes) needed
to hold this font. fontSize may be larger than the fonts file
size if the font is compressed.
fontMin is the minimum character code value defined in this
font. fontMin may have a value between 0 and 65535.
fontMax is the maximum character code value defined in this
font. fontMax may have a value between fontMin and 65535.
fontWeight indicates the general font blackness in a
range of values from 0 (light) to 255 (max-black). Eight weight ranges
are predefined for designating a font's weight (the mid value
is the nominal designation for each range):
Weight Range Nominal Weight
0-31 16 Light
32-63 48 Book
64-95 80 Medium (default)
96-127 112 Demi-bold
128-159 144 Bold
160-191 176 Extra-bold
192-223 208 Ultra-bold
224-255 240 Black |
fontCoding designates the character encoding sequence for this
font. The character encoding defines the mapping between character
values and the displayed character. The following character coding
sequences are currently defined:
0 = ANSI (default)
2 = IBM
4 = MAC
5 = KANJI |
fontPtSize is the designated font size as measured in points
(1/72 of an inch) for this font when displayed on a device with the
appropriate resolution (pixResX and pixResY) for which this font was
fontFamily identifies a generic font family grouping for this
font and a unique font identification number assigned by Metagraphics.
The fontFamily field is encoded in the following format:
Bit: FEDC BA98 7654 3210 Font Family
---- xxxx xxxx xxxx Font family ID number (0-4095)
xxxx ---- ---- ---- Font family group (0-16):
0 = undefined
1 = Serif (Times, Century Schoolbook,etc.)
2 = Sans-Serif (Helvetica, Swiss,etc.)
3 = Modern (Pica, Elite, Courier,etc.)
4 = Script (Cursive)
5 = Symbol
7 = Decorative
8 = Icon
9-15 = (reserved) |
fontStyle defines the font facing style characteristics for
this font. fontStyle is defined in the following format:
Bit: FDEC BA98 7654 3210 Font Style
---- ---- ---- ---1 Bold
---- ---- ---- --1- Italic
---- ---- ---- -1-- Condensed
---- ---- ---- 1--- Extended
---- ---- ---1 ---- Underline
---- ---- --1- ---- Strikeout
---- ---- -1-- ---- Outline
---- ---- 1--- ---- Shadow |
fontFlags defines miscellaneous detail information regarding
this font:
Bit: FEDC BA98 7654 3210 FONT FLAGS
---- ---- ---- -xxx Geometry:
0 = bitmap font
1 = outline/stroked font
2 = outline font
3-7 = reserved
---- ---- ---- x--- Pitch:
0 = fixed spacing
1 = proportional spacing
---- ---- --xx ---- Compression:
0 = no compression
1 = 1D run-length encoding
2 = 2D run-length encoding
---- --xx ---- ---- Offset/Width Precision:
0 = integer
1 = 1/256
2 = 1/65535
---- xx-- ---- ---- Pixel Order:
0 = PC (left=msb)
1 = TI (left=lsb) |
fontColor is the character color (fontColor[0]) and background
color (fontColor[1]) of the font. Normally these values
are set to 0xFFFFFFFF (white) and 0x00000000 (black) for the character
foreground and background colors, respectively. These values are updated
by MetaWINDOW during execution when a font needs to be color translated
for multi-bit per pixel adapters.
For ASCII encoded fonts, minChar defines the minimum ASCII code
for the font. Normally this value is fontMin mod 255.
For ASCII encoded fonts, maxChar defines the maximum ASCII code
for the font. Normally this value is fontMax mod 255.
chWidth defines the default character width, in integer pixels,
when fixed-width facing is active.
chHeight defines the height of the character bit image in pixels.
chHeight is equal to the sum of ascent + descent.
chKern specifies the default kerning offset, in integer pixels,
when fixed-width facing is active (default 0).
ascent is the number of pixels above the baseline the font rises.
descent is the number of pixels below the baseline descenders
lnspace is the recommended vertical spacing, in integer pixels,
to separate consecutive text lines (default is chHeight*1.2).
chBad is the character code to display for any undefined character
chCenter defines the center x,y position for characters in symbol
or marker fonts. chCenter is measured from the lower left corner
of the Edit Window. For character fonts chCenter should be set
equal to (0,0).
chAngle specifies the recommended slant angle for synthesizing
italic facing. chAngle is specified in integer
tenth of degree increments (default -200 = -20.0 degrees).
chUnder is the recommended number of pixels the synthesized
underscore should lie below the baseline for this font
(default = 1).
chScore is the recommended number of pixels to leave out of
the synthesized underscore before and after a descender that would
cross the underscore (default = 1).
locTbl is the offset to the start of the Location Table
ofwdTbl is the offset to the start of the Offset/Width Table
kernTbl is the offset to the start of the kernTable array
(not currently supported).
sizeTbl is the offset to the start of the size/rotation table
for stroked/outline fonts.
grafMapTbl is the offset to the start of the font's grafMap
(bitmap) table.
rowTbl is the offset to the start of the font's rowTable
fontTbl is the offset to the start of the font's pixImage
pixel data (for bitmap fonts), or to the font's geometry data (for
stroked/outline fonts).
fontNotice is the offset to the start of the character string
of the font's trademark/copyright notice.
fontSupplier is the offset to the start of the character string
of the font supplier's name.
fontAuthor is the offset to the start of the character string
of the font author's name.
fontInfo is the offset to the start of the character string
containing miscellaneous information about this font.
In drawing text, MetaWINDOW follows a fairly simple sequence of steps
in processing each character. A basic understanding of this operation
is helpful to further understand the uses of the various font record
elements. Let's look at a simple example (without synthesized facings)
of drawing a string of ASCII text.
- The current pen position of the graphics screen defines the baseline
and starting left X position for the character to be
- The character's ASCII value Ch, is subtracted from the font
header's chMin value to obtain an index into the location table
and offset/width table. If Ch is less than the font header's
chMin or greater than chMax values, or if the
offset/width table entry for Ch is undefined
(all bits ON), then this character is missing, and the font's
chBad character is drawn in place of Ch.
- The ending pen position (i.e. starting pen position for the next
character) is calculated by adding the width value of the offset/width
table entry for Ch to the initial pen position.
- The top edge of the character's destination rectangle is determined
by moving the initial pen position up ascent pixels.
- The top edge of the character's source rectangle in the font is
always 0. The left edge of the source rectangle is defined by the
location table entry for Ch.
- The character's image width is calculated by subtracting
the location table entry for Ch from the location table entry
for Ch+1. This value is added to both the source and destination
rectangles' left edge, yielding the values for their right edges.
The lower edge of both rectangles is determined by moving down from
the top edge chHeight pixels.
- The rectangular area between the initial pen position and the left
edge of the destination rectangle (if any) is filled using the current
background color and text rasterOp of the active port.
- The area contained by the source rectangle in the font's pixImage
buffer is bitblt transferred
to the area described by the destination rectangle using the port's
current text rasterOp.
- If the right edge of the destination rectangle is less than the
ending pen position calculated in step 3, the rectangular area between
these points is filled using the port's current background color and
text rasterOp.
- The current pen position is set to the value calculated in step 3.
- Steps 1 through 10 are repeated for each character in the string.
Stroked font files differ from bitmapped files in that the character
data is made up of a list of vertices rather than a monochome bit
image. The font file header section is identical to the bitmapped
font header as outlined with the following exceptions:
- fontFlags are set to 2 indicating a stroked font.
- There is no grafMap element in the file. The grafMapTbl field is not used.
- There is no rowTable element in the file. The rowTbl field is not used.
- The PixImage table is replaced by a geometry data table. This table
is still located using the fontTbl field.
- The location table contains unsigned offsets from start of geometry data
table to the start of the geometry for each character.
- The chBad field is really the geometry grid width value.
The lnSpacing field is really the geometry grid height value.
The chCenter field is used as the origin of the geometry.
- The chBad field is not used to indicate the character to use for any
missing characters. The character just beyond the last valid character
is used as the missing character.
Each character in the font is represented by a variable length list
of signed byte pairs for each x,y node of the geometry. The end of the
list for each character is indicated by the special "control node" of
the value -1,-1. Each node is connected to the next unless a node is
followed by the control node value -1,-2. This indicates that the
preceeding node should not be connected to the postceeding node and
can be though of as a 'pen-up' or 'move-to' command. Each node
specifies a point on the geometry grid which has it's origin in the
lower left and a height indicated by the lnSpacing field and a width
indicated by the chBad field.
For additional details on stroked font files, see the stroked font
source code files contained in
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