Licensing |
TWS software is protected by United States copyright laws
and international treaty provisions.
Single-User License
The TWS Development Toolkit is licensed for use by a single developer.
Similar to your compiler and other development tools, additional developers
are required to each purchase an individual license of the TWS Development Toolkit.
Redistributable Components
Executable application programs written using TWS may be used,
distributed or sold without additional licensing subject to the following conditions:
- The application developer(s) are registered TWS Development Toolkit licensees.
Programs written using TWS must not compete with TWS
(this is, you can not use TWS to develop another Graphical
User Interface library, toolkit or similar product).
You may not redistribute any parts of the TWS source code,
example programs source code or TWS documentation.
Permission to copy the TWS Development Toolkit is granted
for personal use (such as backups).
This license applies to the TWS Graphical User Interface
Library System only. License agreements for Metagraphics MetaWINDOW,
your programming language compiler, or any other required software
must be obtained separately.
If you have additional questions or requirements not covered
by this license agreement, please contact
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