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Supported Compilers & Platforms |
MetaWINDOW-386 v5.0
32-Bit Protected Mode for Pentium, 486 and 386 compatible processors.
MetaWINDOW-386 also provides full compiler and platform support included
with MetaWINDOW-286 and MetaWINDOW-DOS (below).
By compiler and platform...
Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02
with Borland PowerPack DPMI32 v1.0 (XB3D)
with Phar Lap TNT DOS-Extender v7.0-8.0 (XT3D)
Metaware C/C++ v3.0
with Phar Lap TNT DOS-Extender v7.0-8.0 (XH3L)
Microsoft Visual C/C++ v4.2-5.0
with Phar Lap TNT DOS-Extender v7.0-8.0 (XT3D)
Watcom C/C++ v10.5-11.0
with Phar Lap TNT DOS-Extender v7.0-8.0 (XW3L)
with Tenberry(Rational) DOS/4G v1.0-2.0 (XR3L)
with Watcom-DOS/4GW v1.0-2.0 (XR3L)
By platform and compiler...
Borland PowerPack DPMI32 v1.0
with Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02 (XB3D)
Phar Lap TNT DOS-Extender v7.0-8.0
with Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02 (XT3D)
with Metaware C/C++ v3.0 (XH3L)
with Microsoft Visual C/C++ v4.2-5.0 (XT3D)
with Watcom C/C++ v10.5-11.0 (XW3L)
Tenberry(Rational) DOS/4G v1.0-2.0
with Watcom C/C++ v10.5-11.0 (XR3L)
Watcom-DOS/4GW v1.0-2.0
with Watcom C/C++ v10.5-11.0 (XR3L)
MetaWINDOW is written entirely in Intel x86
Assembly Language for speed and size optimization.
Microsoft Macro Assembler v5.0 or
Borland Turbo Assembler v4.0-5.0
is required for building MetaWINDOW libraries from source code.
MetaWINDOW-386/S has been adopted as a
graphics standard supported by leading Real-Time and Embedded System vendors
(* denotes vendor-supported MetaWINDOW platform):
Accelerated Technology, Nucleus PLUS*
Ease Software/Wind River, VX-Works*
Industrial Programming, MTOS-UX/386/486*
Integrated Systems Inc., pSOS*
Kadak Products Ltd., AMX*
Mentor Graphics Microtec Division, VRTX*
Phar Lap, TNT Embedded ToolSuite (ETS) v8.5-9.1-10.0
with Microsoft Visual C/C++ v4.2-5.0-6.0 (XT3L)
Micro Digital Inc, SMX*
On Time Informatik, RTTarget-32*
Technosoftware AG, RTXDOS-32*
Tecsi, Realtime Craft*
16-Bit Protected Mode for Pentium, 486, 386 and 286 compatible processors.
MetaWINDOW-286 also provides full compiler and platform support included
with MetaWINDOW-DOS (below).
By compiler and platform...
Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02
with Borland PowerPack DPMI16 v1.0 (XD2D)
with Phar Lap 286 DOS-Extender (XP2D)
with Tenberry(Rational) DOS/16M v6.0 (XD2D)
Borland Pascal v7.0
with Borland Pascal DPMI16 v7.0 (TPP's)
Microsoft C/C++ v5.0-7.0
with Phar Lap 286 DOS-Extender (XP2D)
with Tenberry(Rational) DOS/16M v6.0 (XD2D)
By platform and compiler...
Borland PowerPack DPMI16 v1.0
with Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02 (XD2D)
Borland Pascal DPMI16 v7.0
with Borland Pascal v7.0 (TPP's)
Phar Lap 286 DOS-Extender
with Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02 (XP2D)
with Microsoft C/C++ v5.0-7.0 (XP2D)
Tenberry(Rational) DOS/16M v6.0
with Borland C/C++ v4.5-5.02 (XD2D)
with Microsoft C/C++ v5.0-7.0 (XD2D)
16-Bit Real-Mode for x86/Pentium compatible processors.
MetaWINDOW-DOS provides real-mode support for the following 16-bit compilers...
Borland C/C++ v1.0-5.02 (XD1D)
Borland Pascal v7.0 (TPU's)
Borland Turbo C/C++ v2.0-3.1 (XD1D)
Microsoft C/C++ v5.0-7.0 (XD1D)
Microsoft Visual C/C++ v1.2-1.52c (XD1D)
Watcom C/C++ v8.0-10.5 (XD1D)
( ) - MetaWINDOW library ID
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