Frequently Asked Questions
This page includes answers to frequently asked questions
about using Metagraphics MetaWINDOW and MetaWINDOW companion products. For other related
products please see the list of associated third-party
Metagraphics Product Partners.
- General
- Fonts
- Phar Lap TNT/ETS
- Borland PowerPack
- MetaWINDOW Source Code
- Is my graphics card supported with MetaWINDOW?
- How much memory does MetaWINDOW require?
- Can MetaWINDOW output to a color or PostScript
- Can I run MetaWINDOW as part of a native Windows
- Can MetaWINDOW be made ROMable for use in an embedded
- Is possible for MetaWINDOW to operate multiple displays
in a single system?
- Does MetaWINDOW-32/386 work with the pSOS real-time
embedded operating system?
- When debugging, how can do I control if keyboard input
goes to the debugger or to MetaWINDOW?
- What MetaWINDOW libraries should I use with the Magma
Systems Mewel GUI toolkit?
- What Microsoft Mouse Driver functions does MetaWINDOW use?
- I'm working in 32-bit protected mode and I can map the
video memory on my graphics card to a flat linear address space accessible by my program.
Can I set up MetaWINDOW to use this memory for SuperVGA modes instead of having to access
pages down at low memory 0xA000?
- Are there any Japanese or Chinese fonts available
for use with MetaWINDOW?
- Is it possible to bind a font directly into my
executable program?
- Can I design my own MetaWINDOW stroked fonts?
- How do I determine what fonts my users will need
for a given display mode?
- How do I get text to come out with proportionally
spaced characters?
- Why are the bottom of my characters garbled or cut-off
when using certain fonts?
Borland PowerPack
- How do I address the pixels in a Borland PowerPack
DPMI32 local memory bitmap?
- When running my PowerPack program I get a 32loader
runtime error : Unhandled exception message - what's going on?
Phar Lap TNT/ETS
- Does MetaWINDOW work with the Phar Lap Embedded
Tool Suite (ETS)?
- Customer Note - Using MetaWINDOW in a native Windows
- Using Linear Frame Buffer Bitmaps with MetaWINDOW and
Phar Lap ETS.
- Why do I get an InitGraphics() error or protection fault
when running my Phar Lap TNT MetaWINDOW application under Windows or OS/2?
- Why would floating-point operations in my MetaWINDOW
application using Phar Lap TNT cause my program to crash?
- Customer Note - Using MetaWINDOW in Phar Lap
"NtStyle" applications.
- MetaWINDOW-386 Source Code - What tools do I need to build
the MetaWINDOW library for Phar Lap TNT, MET_XT3D.LIB?
- MetaWINDOW-386 Source Code - Why when I build my MetaWINDOW Phar Lap TNT library
is the library size different from that of the product release
library MET_XT3D.LIB?
- Notes on using MetaWINDOW-386 v5.0 with Phar Lap DPMI32
DOS-Extender and Microsoft Visual C Versions 5.0 & 6.0.
MetaWINDOW Source Code
- How do I build a
linked library with the drivers built-in rather than loaded as DLL's?
- How do I build a library that includes just
MetACCEL linked drivers?
- How do I build a MetaWINDOW
library for use with the Magma Systems Mewel GUI toolkit?
- How do I interface a custom mouse driver
with MetaWINDOW?
- What tools do I need to build
the MetaWINDOW library for Phar Lap TNT, MET_XT3D.LIB?
- Why when I build my MetaWINDOW Phar Lap TNT library
is the library size different from that of the product release
library MET_XT3D.LIB?