// fbmap_mssong_120-20.txt - SAMPLE FontBUILDER UNICODE MAPPING FILE
// Comments may be placed in any line and are preceded by double slashes.
// When parsing, space characters outside of quoted strings are ignored.
// An "ImportFont" statement defines the TrueType Unicode font to be processed.
// The ImportFont statement also specifies a series of attributes defining the
// point size, DPI, character set and other settings for rendering the font.
// ImportFont attributes must be specified in sequence on the single line of
// the ImportFont statement and are specified in the following format
// (attributes in braces '{}' are optional):
// ImportFont="fontName", pointSize10, DPI {,charSet, pitchAndFamily, weight, \
// italic, underline, strikeOut, outPrecision, quality, clipPrecision}
// "fontName" - required
// TrueType font name. Example, "Arial", "MS Song", "MS Mincho", "Katakana JIS"
// pointSize10 - required
// Typographic point size times 10, example 120 = 12.0 points. Typographic
// points are measured in 1/72nds of an inch, ptSize10 is 1/720 of an inch.
// DPI - required
// Dots or pixels per inch (typical CRT screens are 64 to 120 DPI).
// The combination of pointSize10 and DPI determines the pixel height when the
// TrueType font is imported and converted into a bitmap font:
// fontPixelHeight = pointSize10 * DPI / 720;
// The other ImportFont attributes are optional. For additional information
// on the ImportFont attributes, please see the FontBUILDER On-line Help
// "Import Attributes" description, or the "Import Attributes" section in
// the FontBUILDER Reference Manual (pgs 15-19). To view a font's actual Import
// Attributes online, run FontBUILDER and select "File|Import" to select the
// font. Once a font has been read, choose "View|Properties|Import Attributes".
ImportFont="MS Song",200,120,134 // Import "MS Song" font, 20.0 points, 120 DPI,
// 134=Chinese GB2312 character set
// Following the "ImportFont" statement are a series of assignment statements
// that define which Unicode characters in the TrueType font are to be stored
// in the bitmap font.
// Each character assignment contains two values separated by a comma.
// The first value is the font glyph index position to be assigned,
// the second is the Unicode character code to be stored. Values in either
// field may be specified by either a decimal value, or hexadecimal value
// preceded by "0x" or "U+". Bitmap glyph to Unicode character assignment
// statements are specified in the following format:
// glyphPosition,UnicodeCharacter
// *** IMPORTANT ***************************************************************
// The MetWINDOW font glyph indexes (left values) MUST APPEAR IN ASCENDING ORDER!
// The glyph positions do not need to be absolutely sequential and can have gaps,
// but they MUST BE in ascending order. Unicode character codes (right values)
// may appear in any order.
// *****************************************************************************
// The following statement assigns glyph index 32 with Unicode character 32.
32,32 // assign a single character
// A range of characters may be assigned by using a dash '-' separator.
// The following statement assigns glyph indexes 33 to 127
// with Unicode characters 33 to 127.
33-127,33-127 // character ranges must be equal in size!
// The following statement assigns glyph index 128 with Unicode character U+4E01:
// The glyphIndex value (left value) may be left out if it continues in
// sequence from the previous assignment:
,U+4E02 // 129,U+4E02
,U+4E20 // 130,U+4E20
,U+4E21 // etc.
// After all "glyphPosition,UnicodeCharacter" assignments are specified,
// an "ExportFont" statement specifies the path and filename for the
// bitmap font file to be written. The filename extension, ".fnt" or ".h",
// specifies whether the file is to be written as a binary font file (.fnt),
// or as a C header file (.h) that can be compiled and linked directly into
// your program (only one ExportFont statement can be specified).
ExportFont="mssong_120-20.fnt" // Output font as loadable binary file
// ExportFont="mssong_120-20.h" // Output font as compilable C header file
// If an ExportFont statement is not provided, FontBUILDER will process the
// font as specified in the mapfile, and then display a warning message that
// the output font file has not been written. From the FontBUILDER program menu
// you can then choose "File|Save As..." to output the bitmap font.
// TIP - If you leave out (or comment out) the ExportFont statement, you can
// also select "View|Properties" to view the font attributes of the new
// bitmap font after the mapfile has been processed. Remember, you'll
// need to use "File|Save As..." to actually write the new font.
// An "END" statement defines the end of the map input file
END // End of File - fbmap_mssong_120-20.txt